February 29, 2004

Aaron "Sad" About Steroid Use

Henry Aaron is saddened by the prospect that whoever eventually breaks his career home run record may be tainted by allegations of steroid use:

"I'm sad for baseball about all of this," Aaron said in a phone conversation with the Daily News. "I played the game and we played it legitimately. Now something like this comes along and it ruins the game. All these records blow out the window. Aside from the records, though, this could be as bad as the Black Sox scandal."

(via Ben Maller)

Posted by dan at February 29, 2004 07:10 PM

"What he brings out there (on the field) is all that matters. All that other stuff takes care of itself. I mean, if he were a real jerk, we would still take him. But the fact that he's not helps."

� Cardinals manager Tony LaRussa on much-traveled but acknowledged good guy Reggie Sanders, who hit .285 with 31 homers and 87 RBI for the Pirates last year.

-That's priceless.

Posted by: Al at March 1, 2004 12:48 PM
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