September 06, 2005

Thanks Again, Tampa Bay

The Indians refuse to go away. They moved back to within a half game of the Wild Card lead tonight, beating the Tigers, while the Devil Rays beat the Yanks again to go 10-4 against them on the season.

Do you suppose that Clevelander George Steinbrenner is a bit peeved that the Indians and their $42 million payroll are running even with his $210 million roster. Now if I can't have both, I'm partial to owners with more money than sense, as opposed to the other way around. But you do have to credit Dolan with getting results by letting his baseball people do their jobs, and winning on the cheap.

It does look though like nothing short of making the playoffs will roust the Cleveland community from its apathy, and that's truly sad. The team and the organization deserve better.

Posted by dan at September 6, 2005 11:24 PM
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