March 24, 2005


I've read dozens of columns and blog posts over the last week on the Terry Schiavo matter, as many of us have. Two of them in particular struck me today as worthwhile and well-written, and so I share them here.

Like Peggy Noonan, I am at a loss to understand the enthusiasm on the part of a certain contingent of people who favored pulling the tube.

And like Jeff Jacoby, in my mind certainty is in short supply.

Posted by dan at March 24, 2005 08:07 PM

I am a healthcare professional with some degree of experience in Intensive Care Wards. My experience is one in which many people are kept alive with highly invasive techniques for extended periods of time with no hope of recovery or restoring enough function to live a reasonably normal life. One thing to consider is if the tube were to be reinserted, would you be prolonging her death or restoring/saving her life? I agree with the President's comments on this from the standpoint that it should be the right of the person to decide. I also believe that if the family wishes to keep her alive in absense of a living will, this wish should be granted. That said, I would never subject myself to this, would never want my family to suffer this much if I were Teri Schiavo, and I think that everyone involved would be much better off letting her pass on with some dignity. This is what most families ultimately decide when it is clear that there is little hope for any chance of life above a vegetative state with multiple life support systems, but before they do there is usually tremendous suffering. Can you imagine suffering like this for 15 years?

Posted by: wpierce at March 24, 2005 10:49 PM
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