January 30, 2005

Google Browser

They've got their fingers in everything else. Their own browser makes sense. From John Dvorak's Second Opinion column:

...there has been persistent speculation that Google is going to release its own browser. The reasons for this probably stem from the fear that sometime in the future searching functions could be built in to the browser and the search engine might not be Google. This possibility was proven likely when Firefox introduced its browser with a built-in search box. The default engine for the feature turned out to be Google, but it could have been anything. It's long been known in the technology community that most people simply keep the default and never explore other options.

Then the announcement was made this week that Google had hired the lead developer for the Mozilla Firefox browser, Ben Goodger. Since April Google has had on file its ownership of the domain name gbrowser.com After doing an e-mail service called gmail, it should be apparent what gbrowser is. I suspect that this new browser will be an offshoot of the open source Mozilla Firefox browser and Goodger's job will be to ensure a smooth transition.

(via The Open End)

All of which prompted me to revisit this.

Posted by dan at January 30, 2005 10:36 PM
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