July 29, 2004

UP North

Split Rock Lighthouse (2).jpg

Cindy and I are leaving this Friday for the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, where we'll camp on the Lake Superior shore in a town called Grand Marais, and make side trips from there. It's an area with spectacular vistas, and not very many people. The town has a large bay that is warm enough to comfortably swim in, while the rest of Lake Superior is not, even in August. But it is the Big Water that draws us back there.

There are a few touristy things to do, like seeing the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, but this trip for us is mostly about doing nothing. I'm taking along all of my long-delayed offline reading material. My only concern about the outside world will be staying on top of how the Indians are doing.

We can actually pick up AM 1100 WTAM out of Cleveland on a clear night, even up on the northern shore of the UP, so sometimes I can listen to the game fading in and out. That's a good thing, because I always say the only newspaper you can get in Grand Marais is the USA Yesterday, at least as far as baseball scores are concerned. They get an early edition of the paper that doesn't have the previous night's baseball results, so I have to wait for Thursday's paper to get Tuesday's score. I'm used to Internet immediacy. This does not sit well with me.

I think I need a vacation. Wizblog will be inactive for the week.

Posted by dan at July 29, 2004 12:12 AM

Fair winds and following seas from the clan in VA.

Love, Al

Posted by: Al at July 29, 2004 08:23 AM
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