July 16, 2004

O'Rourke Reviewed

In a review of his new book "Peace Kills: America's Fun New Imperialism", P.J. O'Rourke worries about the trend toward statism in America:

"Put together the natural tendency of the state to grow and the American tendency to butt into people’s personal lives, and, I don't foresee a disaster, but I do foresee greater and greater annoyances of the zero tolerance kind," he continued. "You know, have you taken a drink in the last week? You lose your driver's license. Fail to put a seatbelt on your kid while in your home and custody is taken. That sort of thing. All for our own good, of course."

America is still where it’s at, though, O'Rourke quickly pointed out.

"It's true that Europeans, despite often overbearing governments, do have a way of minding their own business about other people's personal lives," he said, laughing. "Unless you're Jewish or something."

UPDATE 7/18: So, you think the day O'Rourke describes is pretty far away? Check this out. (via The Corner)

Posted by dan at July 16, 2004 01:50 PM
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