May 04, 2004

Policy Was Pushed Out

Carmen Policy's exit from the Browns' front office wasn't as voluntary as he tried to imply, according to Steve King, writing in The Medina Gazette. A number of factors contributed to Policy being shown the door, not least the budding relationship between Coach Butch Davis and Randy Lerner, son of original Browns owner Al Lerner.

According to one member of the Browns organization, Lerner and Policy never hit it off from the moment they became joined at the hip after the death of Randy's father, Al, in October 2002.

Policy was known to be quite cozy with talk show host Mike Trivisonno of WTAM radio, and it is likely Trivisonno who is referred to here:

The coach, like Lerner, did not like Policy's chattiness, especially with one particular member of the media. Policy said to the media member that he wanted to hire him as a team consultant because of what he perceived to be his great football knowledge....When that was brought to Davis' attention, the coach went berserk, going into a profanity-laced diatribe during which he said, in so many words, that the media member didn't have a clue about football.

The signing of Jeff Garcia and the dumping of Tim Couch was the death knell for Policy's term at the head of the Browns:

Davis did not like it that Policy went to Florida to begin trying to work out a deal for quarterback Tim Couch to return...."Butch's thought was, �What happens if Carmen signs some deal down there and I find someone better than Couch? Then I'm stuck with him,' " the source said.

There are now just three players left from the expansion Browns of 1999, so it is now truly Davis' team, for better or for worse. I've never been a big Carmen Policy fan, but to his credit, he has conducted himself as a gentleman and a professional since his exit.

Two years ago a first round playoff loss led to the firing of the Defensive Coordinator. After last season's 5-11 record the Offensive Coordinator got the boot. Now the team President is forced out in a Davis power play. Next time Butch looks around for someone to blame, the axe might be falling a little closer to home. Player personnel man Pete Garcia, a guy Davis brought with him from Miami, may have to answer for some dubious drafting, and Butch himself for numerous player relations fiascos. All will be forgiven if the other Garcia can help him win nine games or so, and sneak into the playoffs as a wild card team.

Posted by dan at May 4, 2004 11:20 PM
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