March 07, 2004

Rehashed Rants From Year One

I originally appended these revisited posts to the "One Year Old" entry, but then decided to break them off into a separate post. So the following is what I dragged out of the archives as representative of Wizblog's first year. You were warned.

From the start, Wizblog has been a mix of current events and politics on the one hand, and commentary on the Cleveland and Ohio sports scene on the other. I have family and friends who visit to read on the sports topics while ignoring my rants on politics. Others, I'm sure, get here on the basis of the political stuff and couldn't care less about what the Indians are doing. But that's why it's called Wizblog and not Somethingelseblog.

In approximate chronological order, oldest to newest, here are some posts from Wizblog's first year: (apologies in advance for broken links in older posts)

On the faith of George Bush - Nervous or Comforted? 3/9/03

On reading Thomas Paine "Common Sense" For Today 4/22/03

On Horowitz coining the term "Neo-Communists" 5/2/03

Comments on the firings of a couple of head coaches - Price and Eustachy 5/5/03

A memory of an OSU-Michigan Game - Dotting the "I" 5/22/03

Tribe Trivia 6/2/03

Yankees No-Hit! 6/11/03

Quoted in Taranto's "Best of the Web" A Few of My Fifteen Minutes

My first foul ball at a major league game. Winning Streak 7/11/03

Conspiracy theory- Big Lies 7/17/03

Weary of Clarett 7/31/03

Thoughts on the DDT ban - Bureaucracy Kills 8/5/03

Doing my best to help document Iraq-Al Qaeda Connections 9/27/03

In a parallel universe What if? 10/20/03

The Sliming of Reagan 10/27/03

Lots of people don't know or don't remember that the official finding of the 1979 House Select Committee on Assassinations was that Kennedy was probably killed as the result of a conspiracy. Wizblog's longest ever post examines the theory that the New Orleans Mob killed JFK - Remember the HSCA 11/30/03

Environmentalism as Religion 12/8/03

On Kwanzaa12/27/03

Fiesta Bowl Thoughts after another Bucks Bowl win

Bush-haters unite as The Far Left Drinks the Hatorade 1/7/04

Kaz Tadano story in Indians Pitcher Sets it Straight 1/29/04

Open the books on Racial Preferences in college admissions - 2/5/04

On the Oil-For-Food scandal - Two Cheers for the N.Y. Times 3/2/04

Posted by dan at March 7, 2004 10:48 AM
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