January 31, 2004

A Liberal Critiques the Left

Paul Berman in Dissent Magazine writes an impassioned critique of the modern left, by way of a conversation with a liberal friend. He says much of the left has abandoned traditional liberal principles. Here's an excerpt from a piece that should be read in its entirety:

"The old-fashioned left used to be universalist-used to think that everyone, all over the world, would some day want to live according to the same fundamental values, and ought to be helped to do so. They thought this was especially true for people in reasonably modern societies with universities, industries, and a sophisticated bureaucracy-societies like the one in Iraq. But no more! Today, people say, out of a spirit of egalitarian tolerance: Social democracy for Swedes! Tyranny for Arabs! And this is supposed to be a left-wing attitude? By the way, you don't hear much from the left about the non-Arabs in countries like Iraq, do you? The left, the real left, used to be the champion of minority populations-of people like the Kurds. No more! The left, my friend, has abandoned the values of the left-except for a few of us, of course."

Posted by dan at January 31, 2004 05:55 PM
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