March 02, 2004

OKC Case To Be Reopened

From a story in The Guardian citing the Associated Press:

The FBI on Friday ordered a formal review of some aspects of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing investigation, reopening the question of whether Timothy McVeigh may have had more accomplices in the worst domestic terrorist attack in U.S. history.

It has been apparent since 1995 to anyone who cared enough to look at the case, that McVeigh had "more accomplices" in the OKC bombing. The only question surrounding this "review" is whether the FBI intends to conduct a serious investigation, or yet another whitewash. I'll be following up with a more detailed post later in the week regarding "others unknown" in the OKC case. Read the whole Guardian piece for a preview. Or review some of the evidence that OKC reporter Jayna Davis has assembled. (via dgci)

Posted by dan at March 2, 2004 12:23 AM
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