November 12, 2003

Soros Condemned By DNC

Yeah, right. So much of what we hear from Democrats these days could fall into the category of self-parody, but Scott Ott of Scrappleface is a master of the real thing. The latest:

The Democrat National Committee (DNC) today condemned billionaire George Soros as a "special interest fat cat" who's dodging campaign finance laws and buying influence by contributing $15.5 million to activist groups trying to oust George Bush from the White House.

"He's an affront to everything Democrats stand for," said DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe. "The McCain-Feingold law was passed to protect Americans from his brand of soft-money influence. But since he can't give millions to the DNC, he's donating huge sums to and other liberal activists organizations. That's just not right, and if we could do anything to stop Mr. Soros from using this loophole, we surely would."


Posted by dan at November 12, 2003 05:07 PM
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