August 19, 2003

Kerry Exploits Bombing

John F. Kerry is a disgusting hack. The blood of murdered U.N. employees is not yet cold, and Kerry takes the occasion of the Baghdad bombing to attempt to score partisan political points. Here's his statement:

"It is becoming increasingly clear each day that the administration misread the situation on the ground in Iraq and lacks an adequate plan to win the peace and protect our troops.''

Mr. Kerry, would an "adequate plan" be one that could have, or would have prevented leftover elements of Saddam's regime or fanatical outsiders from killing soldiers or diplomats? Perhaps you had such a plan that you've been keeping under your hat. Did George Bush ever suggest that this "winning of the peace" would be easy, or free of U.S. or other casualties? You continue to be the Chief Weasel of the Democratic Party with your fence-straddling on Iraq policy.

In an equally unserious and transparently political statement, Joe Lieberman said that the bombing should...

"explode the illusions of postwar progress and stability the Bush administration continues to cling to.''

Mr. Lieberman, the "illusion" is yours if you suggest we are not progressing in Iraq. There is a difference between "progress" and "stability". Progress is what our coalition is making every day in Iraq. Just because you and the media choose to ignore or minimize it doesn't mean it isn't happening. Stability is what will result only if we are firm and resolute in our mission to help Iraq democratize. It is sad to see you abandon your earlier principled position on Iraq just to chase the nomination of the Bush-haters.

Don't you two have a left-handed transgendered plumbers union convention to go pander to? They've got 13 perfectly good votes you can buy.

Posted by dan at August 19, 2003 10:45 PM
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