June 19, 2003

New Dan

I'm so out of touch with the popular music scene that I wasn't even aware that Steely Dan had a new CD out until I read this review at NRO the other day. Then a friend clued me that I could listen to the whole thing at the official Steely Dan website. Which I did, about three times through within the last ten hours or so. As my friend Mark said, "it's all about marketing".

As for the music, it's fresh Becker and Fagen, which is good enough for me. If there's a theme, I suppose you'd call it "The New Frontier - Part II", but subtitled "This Time It's The Real Thing". Pessimistic, if not apocalyptic lyrically, but musically as upbeat as ever.

I ordered. Amazon has shipped. Life is good.

Posted by dan at June 19, 2003 02:06 AM
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