William Shawcross, a respected British writer and broadcaster offers a European perspective on George Bush, his advisors, and their domestic and foreign policy goals in a rather long but very informative essay called After Iraq: America and Europe This is no fawning tribute by any means. Shawcross does not however, think Bush is a "moron":
George Bush may not be obviously eloquent. He may address his remarks more frequently to Lubbock Texas than to Islington, but that does not make him stupid. What in fact we have here is not a stupid leader but one of the most radical in recent times. Bush leads a team which really wants to change the world. It is perhaps that which makes Europeans uncomfortable. But not wishing to acknowledge this, they take refuge in the stupidity claim.
It's worth reading for facts and insights that you won't see or read in the American media. (Hat tip to Andrew Stuttaford in The Corner for the link)