Opinions differ on whether the President's decision to land in a Navy fighter on the deck of the U.S.S. Lincoln last night was a wise one, politically or practically. He took a lot of heat from certain corners for what was viewed as a cheap marketing stunt, and let's be honest, it was a bit over the top.
But this one was for the troops on the ship as much as it was for the TV audience back home, and the reception he got on the Lincoln showed that he is as respected and admired by the military as his predecessor was reviled. Besides, if we take the word of this Corner reader as someone who knows what it's like to land on the deck of a carrier, it was certainly a risky stunt for a U.S. President to attempt if any little thing goes wrong, and a stressful and uncomfortable one, even when everything goes right. It made this pilot want to go back to easier work:
I recall being very happy to get back to my "safe" job; jumping out of helicopters into storm tossed seas at night as a rescue swimmer.
Regardless of your political persuasion, your feelings about Bush are doubtless confirmed by this event. One side sees a courageous, charismatic leader of a nation. The other side is equally convinced that this guy's a "moron."
UPDATE: Mark Steyn weighs in on this topic in his inimitable way