April 10, 2003

Scandal in the Blogosphere

There's a lot of online discussion in recent days over the disclosure that Sean-Paul Kelley, creator of the popular warblog The Agonist had plagiarized information from a subscription service, and reposted it on his site. The whole topic of journalistic ethics and accountability within the blogosphere has been bandied about in the days since. Technews.com's Filter column has good summaries of the original scandal, and of the ethics debate in the aftermath.

I had referenced The Agonist myself in an earlier post about warblogging, because I found it to be a timely, and relatively apolitical summary of ongoing events in the war. I had read Kelley's mea culpas in recent days but was unsure what the fuss was all about at first. Blogging ethics thus dictate that I give a "hat tip" to Instapundit for the link to the TechNews articles.

Posted by dan at April 10, 2003 12:51 PM
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