March 20, 2003

Timing is Everything

War starts tonight. I get on a plane tomorrow morning. Don't suppose there will be much security at the airport, right? I'm going to Tampa for a weekend of NCAA tournament basketball, with a round of golf thrown in. 40-plus guys from Akron area have been making a trip to some southeastern locale for the NCAA for 16 years now. It's only my second time around, and my timing has been better. Separation from wife, home and dog are not my first instincts right now, and, as excited as I have been about the trip, I'm feeling pretty ambivalent about it at this moment. My son Andy is in Vegas as of a few hours ago. Be smart, Andy. I'll catch up with a weekend's worth of stuff by Tuesday. Hang tough.

Posted by dan at March 20, 2003 12:16 AM

Then I shouldn't bet all of my 401K on the pass line at the craps table? Andy

Posted by: Gary Gemberling at March 24, 2003 02:05 PM
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