Bob Godwin at One Cosmos described a phenomenon today in discussing the election, that has frustrated me to no end in dialogue I have had with people of the left over the last couple of years. That is, their refusal to accept the notion that we are at war at all.
We keep hearing that this election is a “referendum on Iraq,†but as always, it is a referendum on reality. In order to not perceive the simple reality that we are in a world war, the leftist mind must unconsciously “attack†any evidence that leads to that conclusion. Thus, it may look like President Bush is being attacked, but he is incidental to the deeper process of attacking and dismantling a reality that the left does not wish to see...
This mindset is evident in the leftist mantra that we have made terrorism worse by going into Iraq, (this despite no attacks in the U.S. in five years.) Well, we certainly have brought it out into the light where we can see it, but Iraq remains Exhibit A in their bizarre insistence that terrorism is caused by our resistance to it. Yesterday I did a little googling of the film "Obsession", a documentary on radical Islamism which was aired by Fox this past weekend, and is now available for viewing on the web. And let's just say the mindset Bob described is on display in the lefty blogosphere. Big time.
I watched the 12 minute abridged version of the film, and believe that I was able to get a feel for the overall content from that preview. The film uses the words of the Islamists themselves, including footage of mass rallies of Iranians and of Lebanese Hezbollah devotees doing their orchestrated "Death to America" chants, as well as quotations from people like Nasrallah and various Palestinian and Saudi clerics from the Islamist leadership vowing to destroy America and the rest of the infidel West.
As but one example of the hysteria that this film has engendered on the left, take this bit by Glenn Greenwald, who throws a hyperbolic fit that, among other shameless right-wingery, comparisons of Islamism to Naziism are made in the film, complete with old footage of the Fuhrer himself. Greenwald rails:
The whole point of the film -- the only point -- is to show menacing footage of Muslims, accompanied by very scary music, and then assert, over and over, that they are devoted to killing all of us and that the threat they pose is exactly the same as the threat of Nazi Germany, except it's much, much worse.
Except they don't say that, and of course it's not "the only point", but Greenwald exaggerates in order to make the point that you shouldn't exaggerate, and that the threat of Islamism is grossly exaggerated by (pick one) the filmmakers, Fox Network, the Bush administration....(hint...they're all the same fear-mongering, power-hungry, evil entity.) See, the Islamists don't have a great big army like Hitler did. See how silly all this war talk is?
That's not all. This film is "extreme propaganda", according to Greenwald, of a piece with "the poison that the Bush movement has been feeding to this country for five years now". Why, Bush and Cheney rarely make a speech "without warning of the grave and unprecedented dangers we face from a mortal enemy that wants to destroy our society and everything we love and kill all of us?" Why do I suspect he would be equally critical of the administration if they paid only a little attention to the Islamist threat?
Would that we just had more enlightened leaders, perhaps of the persuasion of Greeenwald, who would just "sit down" with the Islamists and defuse all of this talk of a new Caliphate, and "Death to America."
Frankly, I always find the modern day footage of the indoctrination of the young children of Palestine, Lebanon and Iran, as shown in the film "Obsession", to be sickening, and the parallels to Naziism glaring. One would think that the fascism, and the Jew-hatred, and the genocide might also be legitimate parallels that would jump out at someone not infected with Bush Derangement Syndrome. By the way, pay no attention to the goose-stepping, the salute and the knock-offs of other Nazi imagery in today's Islamist movement. Nothing to see here. Move along. Greenwald also ignores the numbingly obvious reality that fascist terrorists no longer need large armies in order to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people.
But Greenwald contents himself to revel in the irony of it all:
Of course, one thing we can be thankful for is that -- unlike the violent, fear-mongering warriors they have -- our political and religious leaders (and television networks) are responsible and sober and would never use Fear of the Enemy, or religious fanaticism, as a means for justifying war.
Get it? We're no better than the genocidal Jew-hating terrorists! It's all a fear-mongering plot by the neocons to retain power, you idiots! That's why George Bush has pursued this clever course all the way to a 30% approval rating and a Democratic-controlled Congress...oh, wait...never mind. Oh yeah, that just proves how stupid he is.
Another feature of today's garden variety BDS sufferer is an extremely short memory where the threat of radical Islamism is concerned. Reminders of the Beirut bombing, the Khobar Towers bombing, the African embassies bombings, the USS Cole bombing, the first WTC bombing, and the hundreds of Americans and the hundreds more non-Americans killed in those attacks, can reduce the BDS sufferer to sputtering incoherence, convinced as he is that George Bush is the cause of Islamic terror, (even if he had to orchestrate it from the owners box of the Texas Rangers.)
I'm not saying, by the way, that Greenwald is himself suggesting that Bush policies are the cause of Islamist terror. He just feels that Islamist terror is a problem that has been grossly exaggerated. An important distinction of course, because his focus is on the malign intent of the neocons, as opposed to the manifestly less dangerous terrorists from the Middle East. Maybe Greenwald thinks they'll be satisfied to just incinerate Israel in a nuclear fireball, and that that's a fair tradeoff for their inability to kill "all of us", you know, literally.
When pressed in the comments, Greenwald allows that "To say that a threat is being exaggerated, exploited and manipulated is not the same as saying that the threat is non-existent." How gracious of you, Glenn. Tell the thousands of family members of the 9/11 victims and other innocent victims of Islamist terror that the threat is "exaggerated." They love that.
I hadn't intended to make this post be about that particular lefty. It just sort of worked out that way.
And I wanted to include these additional bits from Gagdad Bob on the election, denial, and leftism:
...Tomorrow, millions of horizontal men will be basing their vote on a fantasy that the economy is “doing poorly,†which flies in the face of the barest acquaintance with reality...
...multiculturalism devalues the concept of the individual in favor of the ethnic group, while socialism in all its forms favors the large and powerful state that unites us all (and suppresses -- for any time government does something for you, it does something to you). Deconstruction throws all objective meaning into question, so no one has to have the disappointing experience of being wrong or denied tenure, no matter how stupid one's ideas. The burden of personal responsibility is mitigated, because one's being is determined by accidental factors such as race, class and gender, not one's owns values, decisions and actions. Skillful knowledge acquired by intense effort is replaced by an obnoxious, hypertrophied adolescent skepticism that knows only how to question but not to learn. It is grounded in a sort of bovine materialism that is not the realm of answers, but the graveyard of meaningful questions. The primitive is idealized, because it is within everyone's reach; it is painful to have standards, because not everyone can attain them.